20 February 2016


Okay, so from what I can remember, the moths between the second set of steroids and March were vile. I was violently sick at least three times which was strange because I was never a 'sicky' child. I was overly fatigued and couldn't find the energy if my life depended on it. So Mary decided to order me an Iron Infusion.

Turns out, I had a pretty bad case of Anemia which is caused by iron deficiency. The 10th of March was the day that I went to F3 to have my first ever infusion. The first of many I might add... It wasn't all that bad, I mean, the infusion itself only lasted half an hour and I got a day off school for it so I was happy. The infusion was this bright orange liquid and it felt rather 'gloopy' for use of a better word. I don't know if that was just me and how I reacted to it or Iron is just 'gloopy'?

While I was sat in the bed having a half hour infusion surrounded by my parents and nurses from left, right and center, I noticed a girl- roughly of a similar age to me sat on the bed in the corner by herself. I asked if she was okay trying desperately to draw the attention away from me for a while. She said a simple, "I'm fine thank you. I'm just waiting for my mum to get back". I smiled at her and nodded my head. Her mum who I later found out was call Sarah, had gone to get Chloe a coffee and a packet of crisps. She had a majorly long and tiresome day, bless her, It just so happened that she had Ulcerative Colitis and was on the ward for four hours before I even showed up. She was still on her infusion when I left the ward three hours later. It's days like that one that make me think about how ill I actually feel. I might wake up in the morning and give the day a solid NO, but I'm happy, I'm surrounded y people who love me and understand my situation and I'm not in hospital for weeks at a time like some people I know with exactly the same illness as myself.

Anyway, my infusion went well and I'm no longer anemic but I do have to take one multi-vitamin everyday and two/three tablets  of calcium with vitamin D; which, if you think about, isn't too bad. So out of a four hour trip to the hospital (including a coffee run), a pity party for the lone girl in the oppostite bed, and having a bright orange substance which could have been Iron Bru for all I know, I am anemia free a slightly more healthy as I was before, as well as slightly more understanding towards others.

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