I saw the newest member of my team today. Neena is her name. My dad calls her 'nee naw' because he's the most juvenile person I've ever come across! She's the pediatric psychologist at Addenbrookes- well the current one anyway, she's standing in for the one on maternity leave. She's really nice and she's helping me try and see over my pile of 'what if' questions.
Over the last couple of years I've tended to ask myself a heck of a lot of questions about my future and where I want to go in life. If I'm being completely honest, I have no idea, but what I do know is, I have to chose my A Level subjects and that's confusing me as well as the exam stress from my current GCSEs.
All of these little stresses cause a major hole in my universe. The rip my mind to shreds and I have no idea how to sew it back together. There are days that I just want to scream but then I also know that I don't really have a valid reason to, people have it so much worse than me and anyway, I hate being centre of attention. I hate being judged by people who are utterly clueless and people who think you're worthless are even worse.
These are all of the things Neena and myself talk about and we're slowly but surely gathering up all of the torn fabric of my brain and sewing it together piece by tiny piece.
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